In this highly anticipated sequel to the international sensation Culpa Mía, Noah and Nick's passionate romance faces new challenges. Despite their parents' efforts to keep them apart, their love seems unbreakable. However, as Nick dives into his career and Noah heads off to college, they're thrust into unfamiliar worlds filled with temptations and new connections. As they navigate the complexities of young adulthood, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. With external forces threatening to tear them apart and their family's reputation hanging in the balance, Noah and Nick must fight harder than ever to keep their love alive.
Starring Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Víctor Varona, Goya Toledo, Gabriela Andrada, Álex Béjar, Javier Morgade and Felipe Londoño
Directed by Domingo González
Screenplay by Domingo González and Sofía Cuenca
Based on Culpables book trilogy by Mercedes Ron
Produced by Álex de la Iglesia, Carolina Bang
Screening Details
7:00pm ET (registrants will have a 36-hour window to watch the movie)
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